Brassfahrt 2023

Chapeau dear brass drivers, A wonderful long weekend has come to an end and many of you left our beautiful Travemünde a bit tired on Monday, but at least with a grin on your face. Friday evening after the helmsman meeting, the course was at least clear for the time being, namely, it should be with colorful cloths from the starting line Brodten Ost buoy / starting ship, with a detour on the Travemünde beach then to the cardinal buoy Staberhuk West (Fehmarn) and with a small detour to the Wismar approach buoy back again go to Travemuende. The weather was safe with 18°C and sun, but the weak wind forecasts were not and the direction was also forecast in various ways. For this reason, the race committee shortened the course from 100 nm to approx. 80 nm. Many participants met again for the first time after the long winter break and so there were funny and longer conversations, with cool drinks in a relaxed atmosphere until the late hours. From 12:00 p.m., our club legend Hinrich Klatt moderated the start and the Spi-Berge maneuver at the first turning point from the mole with humorous enthusiasm. 71 boats, through the 5 group starts at half-hourly intervals and a constant wind of 10 knots from the NE, interested spectators experienced our favorite pastime from the very best side. With a long blow towards Grömitz and a few hollow blows for Dameshöved, the wind freshened up at first, but from the height of Dahme the wind dropped more and more. The field thickened in some lulls east of Fehmarn. Light racers use these opportunities and were able to play tricks on the heavier models. In places, nothing worked at all and some of you served culinary 3-course menus and enjoyed the porpoises specially ordered by the organizers and the great play of colors in the sky as compensation for the non-functioning SAP tracker. After frequent breaks, it went on again at some point, namely with a very flat course in the direction of Wismar and after a few gybes then for the first boats in the morning directly over the finish line to Travemünde, in the immediate vicinity of the clubhouse at Leuchtenfeld. Super great pictures were taken here and head-to-head races that lasted over 24 hours were only separated by seconds in the end. The last participants arrived around 7:15 p.m. and were greeted loudly and happily by around 200 sailors, friends and the helpers. A conclusion that crowned the whole thing in our great setting. It couldn't have been nicer and that's why the Brassfahrt 2024 will take place again on the Pentecost weekend. The relaxed atmosphere, togetherness and mutual respect are great fun. Big thanks to all the helpers, the sponsors, the supporters, our Lübeck Yacht Club and of course ourselves, the sailing community. Successful season and lots of downwind courses! Your Brassfahrt Orga Ole, Matthi and Timo